Kim Hyun Joong- A Soldier’s Kindness and Modesty.

It has only been a little over a month since Kim Hyun Joong enlisted. And once again, he’s making all his fans and family proud! Kim Hyun Joong enlisted on 12th May, 2015 and completed his basic training on 18th of June, 2015. He graduated, and has been sent to serve as a patrol guard at Paju. In the midst of his training, his fellow team mates have come to know him. Without any surprise, they all have only good things to say about Hyun Joong. Here are a couple of personal accounts about their thoughts on Kim Hyun Joong:

“My brother said HJ was nice. Signatures are prohibited but HJ secretly gave him one. HJ also gave him soap and even said Happy Birthday. He said HJ is training well and has a good personality.” 

Trans credit: @sarashiyun


“So somebody went to see the other soldier and the soldier was with 김현중 (Kim Hyun Joong). They talked about 김현중. They said, 김현중 is unbelievably good and nice (in his personality). Also he doesn’t show any special (in a bad way) attitude (that most celeb should have). 김현중 uses some curse words (but not in a bad way, but normal way– so that 김현중 can shows that 김현중 and other people are in the same page, not the special celeb.) Also the army training teachers were very much amused because 김현중 takes the lead any work and services very diligently. — Summary: Everybody in the army were impressed by 김현중’s good personality, modesty and hard-working.”

Trans credit: Aileen


Credit: @

Kim Hyun Joong has always been known as 4D and funny, making everyone laugh. But what is most talked about is how Hyun Joong is more than that. How he takes up responsibility and ensures that he sees it through. He believes that kindness can go a long way in this world. He has a winsome personality and believes in sharing; case in point – him gifting a soap to his batch mate for a birthday! Hyun Joong makes his fans and family members proud by simply being himself. His humility, sincerity and his kind-hearted nature never fails to reflect through his modest personality. That is the real Kim Hyun Joong, right there.

What are your thoughts on this? Have you had the pleasure to meet Hyun Joong before? Has Hyun Joong done something that has touched your heart? Which is your favorite memory of him? Do share your thoughts with us.

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