Kim Hyun Joong – The Battle of Truth

In a recent interview with OBS, Atty Lee Jae Man revealed some significant facts related to Kim Hyun Joong’s case, entering whole new dimension of suspicions and scepticism. With everything unfolding, it is becoming apparent that Kim Hyun Joong was falsely accused by Choi aka Miss A.

Kim Hyun Joong’s side has announced their determination to countersue Choi because her claim of miscarriage by assault  in 2014 has been proven false.

“With regard to the claim of the 6 week rib fracture injury by Kim Hyun-joong, it is true that the other side had the 6 week injury but the evidences, that it was not inflicted by Kim Hyun-joong, have been being acquired,” said Atty Lee. He further revealed that during the time that she alleged her pregnancy, there were such circumstantial evidences as she consumed alcohol, rode a bike, and took x-ray pictures. But when the statements of fact were returned from the hospitals, it is found that past pregnancy and miscarriage are not actually facts.

Atty Lee affirms that the miscarriage and pregnancy are lies and Choi had deceived everyone with her falsehoods. “According to the returned statements of fact, we received responses that the claim of pregnancy and miscarriage by assault in May last year was false. It’s a fact that she was never pregnant. It is a fact that she did not receive any treatment for miscarriage. Also for the 2 week injury medical certificate, there’s no diagnosis of injury by belly assault. So because all these are falsehoods, we will submit the returned statements of fact as evidences,” as confirmed by Atty Lee.

Kim Hyun Joong, in despair, gave Choi 600 million won as settlement demanded by her when she threatened and blackmailed to defame him as someone who caused a miscarriage by assault. But as her claim has been found untrue, KHJ is ready to counterclaim. The minimum damage penalty will be 1.2 billion won.

“As the other side got 600MW by blackmailing with false claims, we will countersue for 600MW,” says Atty Lee. “It is the other side that breached non-disclosure of settlement, as they stated they didn’t receive the settlement even after they did receive it. So demand will be made for 600MW penalty. Also even though miscarriage by assault is untrue, she received an interview with media this year that claimed she miscarried due to repeated beating on the belly by Kim Hyun-joong during her pregnancy in May last year. So she had been answering the interview with a false claim and defamed Kim Hyun-joong’s reputation, so defamation damage will be included. It will be 600MW and 600MW plus defamation damage, which the amount has not decided yet. So the counterclaim will be filed over the amount of 1.2BW.”

Atty Lee Jae Man has declared that through this case all of her falsehoods will be uncovered and he will proceed to file criminal charges along with civil counterclaim against Choi. The lawsuits are assumed to be over and all the disputes are to end by the time Kim Hyun Joong returns from his military commitment. The next hearing is scheduled for July 22nd 2015.

We hope the truth shall prevail and Hyun Joong’s reputation is resurrected. What do you all think? Share your views with us in the comment section below.

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Translation credit: @sunsun_sky [trans]


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